#BearsOfBaylor — “I was on an archeological dig in Israel…”
“I’d like to teach at some point, and I’m still looking at different jobs in museums. Earlier this summer, I was on an archeological dig in Israel … It was unearthing a 5th-century synagogue with late-Roman mosaics.
“It was awesome. We wanted to get to the 5th-century synagogue, but on top of that was a medieval building that they’re not really sure what it was, but we’re trying to figure out what it is. And on top of that was a building from the 1950s. … I got to spend a good day with the conservator down in the pit actually uncovering the mosaics, which was really breathtaking.”
[Every Baylor Bear has a story; #BearsOfBaylor brings those stories to you, one by one. These stories, these people… This is our Baylor.]