Professors as mentors — a Baylor tradition since 1845
Last month, we shared the story of the latest two Baylor professors to be honored for excellence in teaching and mentoring. When the story was posted to Facebook, this question was posed: “Which Baylor professor(s) made an impact in your life?”
In no time at all, you responded with almost 175 different names — including more than 40 professors who were named by multiple people. In particular, three Baylor legends stood out for how many times they were referenced, and the ways they were described:
Ann Miller, BA ’49, MA ’51, was a Baylor Bear through and through, having earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees from Baylor and eventually teaching at her alma mater for nearly half a century. She was remembered by many as the professor who made students appreciate literature and hone their writing skills; for her efforts, Miller was named Outstanding Professor by Mortar Board 12 times and was honored as one of Baylor’s first Master Teachers in 1982.
Rachel Moore, MA ’69, taught English at Baylor from 1966 to 2005. Like Miller, she can include “Master Teacher” — the highest honor granted to Baylor faculty — among her many teaching honors. And it’s no surprise, as Moore went beyond her responsibility as a professor and was involved in Baylor’s study abroad programs and university committees and served as faculty advisor to Chi Omega.
Last but not least is the humorous and lively Dr. Tom Hanks, who has taught Baylor students for nearly 40 years with a mission to “irrigate arid minds with dewy imagination.” Hanks, too, is a Master Teacher and has received just about every teaching award Baylor has to offer.
Sic ’em, Baylor profs!