Bears take to Twitter to honor favorite Baylor profs during Teacher Appreciation Week
During Teacher Appreciation Week earlier this month, we noticed a few Baylor Bears tweeting thanks to their favorite professors. We retweeted a few of those from our account (@BaylorProud), and for every one professor we mentioned, it seemed to spawn 10 more responses as other Bears shared their favorites with us. That kept going for a week, and without even asking for submissions, we received the names of more than 50 different Baylor professors!
Rather than keeping filling our Twitter followers’ timelines with more and more names, we decided to collect them all into one blog post. Current students — this might serve as a handy list next semester as you’re figuring our what professor you should take for a particular class.
The short version: more than 10 of those professors received multiple mentions, with Dr. Tom Hanks (English, pictured at right), Dr. Eric Holleyman (religion), and Dr. Michael Korpi (film and digital media) leading the way. Keep reading to see the complete list and what the Baylor family had to say about each professor.
DR. PAUL ARMITSTEAD, history, retired
* @GreenDoopey: I’ll always have treasured memories of Rachel Moore and Dr. Paul Armitstead! #teacherappreciationweek
* @thesphinx33 Dr. Armistead and his this day in history.
DR. MICHAEL ATTAS, BA ’69, medical humanities
* @mariam9229 Dr.Hillis/Attas- Hands down the most compassionate & dedicated profs I had at Baylor!! #teacherappreciationweek
DR. CLARK BAKER, journalism and media arts
* @baylorgrad My favorite professors were Drs. Stone, Ferdon and Baker (journalism) and Dr. Vardaman (history)! #teacherappreciationweek
DR. LORI BAKER, BA ’93, MA ’94, anthropology
* @B_Nicholle Dr. Lori Baker was my favorite this semester, sic’em Anthropology department and my new major!
DR. JANE BALDWIN, MBA ’81, accounting
* @THEscottneumann Dr. Jane Baldwin is the embodiment of teaching excellence at Baylor. We are so thankful for her caring and intentional heart!
DR. MICHAEL BISHOP, BA ’59, journalism, retired
* @heytrace Dr. M. Bishop, Dr. M. Long and Dr. T. Hanks=every BU student should take a class with them! #teacherappreciationweek
DR. EDWARD BURGER, mathematics
* @B_Nicholle of course last year’s Cherry Award Professor, Dr. Burger. I took Ideas In Math = loved it. So glad he’s coming back this year!
DR. CASSY BURLESON, MA ’00, journalism and media arts
* @CassandraStar1 I wouldnt have made it w/o Carol Perry & Dr. Cassy Burleson! Waking up for 8am’s was nothin when I was headed to their classes!
DR. GARDNER CAMPBELL, Honors College, now at Virginia Tech
* @ultima_citlalli @GardnerCampbell of course #bucampus
DR. COREY CARBONARA, film and digital media
* @air1nikki All of my profs in #Film&DigitalMedia–Dr. Kendrick, Carbonara, Korpi, Hanson & Elliott! Even in radio, I’ve used their wisdom!
SHARON CONRY, BS ’99, MS ’01, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core
* @VanValkk too many incredible #baylorprofessors to choose from! Prof Cunningham, Dr. Korpi, Prof Conry, Prof Kamperman.. :)
DR. JOE COX, management
* @iamkevinlucas Joe Cox, Ray Read, Chris Meyer, Rusty Pippin. Simply the best. #teacherappreciationweek
JOHN CUNNINGHAM, communication studies
* @J_Leigh23 Prof John Cunningham is a wonderful prof and even better person!
* @VanValkk too many incredible #baylorprofessors to choose from! Prof Cunningham, Dr. Korpi, Prof Conry, Prof Kamperman.. :)
DR. JAMES CURRY, political science
* @jgonzales120 Dr. Curry in the poli sci dept. He was a great help throughout school, in my internship, and after Baylor/grad school.
ROBERT DARDEN, BSED ’76, journalism and media arts/film and digital media
* @Jenna_DeWitt Dr. Stone, Prof. Darden and @JulieMFreeman are my fav. @BaylorJMA mentors. They taught me about life. #teacherappreciationweek
* @baylormegs I loved most of my JOU profs, but Bob Darden reminded me what I love so much about writing. Wise & endearing–the best teacher!
DR. DAVID ELDRIDGE, biology, retired
* @LAKNichols Dr. Eldridge’s biology class was wonderful thanks to the help of Poo Bear!! #teacherappreciationweek
BRIAN ELLIOTT, BA ’80, MA ’90, film and digital media
* @GrovesJennifer Brian Elliott of the FDM department should get a shout out. He is by far the best professor of my undergraduate career.
* @air1nikki All of my profs in #Film&DigitalMedia–Dr. Kendrick, Carbonara, Korpi, Hanson & Elliott! Even in radio, I’ve used their wisdom!
DR. MARC ELLIS, Center for Jewish Studies
* @BDMackey88 Marc Ellis is the best professor at Baylor: passionate, ethical, and academically revolutionary
DR. JAN EVANS, Spanish
* @nosdnomde My favorite professors this semester were Dr. Foley, Dr. Evans and Dr. Holleyman. :)
DR. DOUG FERDON, journalism and media arts
* @baylorgrad My favorite professors were Drs. Stone, Ferdon and Baker (journalism) and Dr. Vardaman (history)! #teacherappreciationweek
DR. MICHAEL FOLEY, great texts
* @nosdnomde My favorite professors this semester were Dr. Foley, Dr. Evans and Dr. Holleyman. :)
DR. CLEMENT GOODE, English, retired
* @sharilee66 Thank you, Mrs. Miller and Dr. Goode–two terrific English professors at Baylor. #teacherappreciationweek
DR. PETE GRANDJEAN, health, human performance and recreation
* @CoachFlynn89 Dr. P Grandjean is the epitome of what BU stands for. Can’t imagine my BU exp w/o him, I’m sad he was here for only 1 yr of it.
DR. TOM HANKS, English
* @ermhgirl2010 Dr. Tom Hanks. The end.
* @heytrace Dr. M. Bishop, Dr. M. Long and Dr. T. Hanks=every BU student should take a class with them! #teacherappreciationweek
* @carrieblurton I graduated 6 years ago and I still miss Dr Tom Hanks class! Treated every student in his class as a brilliant scholar
* @JDCarrera Never took his class, but more than 1x he sat down at the SUB to chat. That’s class. You have to respect someone willing to take an interest in students who aren’t his.
CHRIS HANSEN, film and digital media
* @air1nikki All of my profs in #Film&DigitalMedia–Dr. Kendrick, Carbonara, Korpi, Hansen & Elliott! Even in radio, I’ve used their wisdom!
DR. BILL HILLIS, BS ’53, biology
* @mariam9229 Dr.Hillis/Attas- Hands down the most compassionate & dedicated profs I had at Baylor!! #teacherappreciationweek
WES HINZE, BA ’04, MA ’07, sociology
* @BelenBonnard WES HINZE !! :) (sociology) Great teacher! @BaylorProud #teacherappreciationweek
* @Emily_M_Taylor Dr. Eric Holleyman is without a doubt the BEST professor on campus. So kind and so wise. Truly a man of God.
* @MrsLaurenDykes loved taking Dr. Eric Holleyman’s class! He made me want to explore God’s word #Baylor
* @nosdnomde My favorite professors this semester were Dr. Foley, Dr. Evans and Dr. Holleyman. :)
CARROLLE KAMPERMAN, BA ’82, MA ’88, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core
* @VanValkk too many incredible #baylorprofessors to choose from! Prof Cunningham, Dr. Korpi, Prof Conry, Prof Kamperman.. :)
DR. JIM KENDRICK, BA ’96, MA ’99, film and digital media
* @air1nikki All of my profs in #Film&DigitalMedia–Dr. Kendrick, Carbonara, Korpi, Hanson & Elliott! Even in radio, I’ve used their wisdom!
DR. MICHAEL KORPI, film and digital media
* @skq12 THE best #baylorprofessor is easily Dr. Korpi, he’s so amazing!!
* @VanValkk too many incredible #baylorprofessors to choose from! Prof Cunningham, Dr. Korpi, Prof Conry, Prof Kamperman.. :)
* @air1nikki All of my profs in #Film&DigitalMedia–Dr. Kendrick, Carbonara, Korpi, Hanson & Elliott! Even in radio, I’ve used their wisdom!
* @GoBearsGo95 Dr. Paul Larson was great. My wife asked him to move her by me so she can meet me. 16 yrs later we’re still in touch.
DR. MARK LONG, PhD ’01, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core
* @heytrace Dr. M. Bishop, Dr. M. Long and Dr. T. Hanks=every BU student should take a class with them! #teacherappreciationweek
DR. CHRIS MEYER, management
* @iamkevinlucas Joe Cox, Ray Read, Chris Meyer, Rusty Pippin. Simply the best. #teacherappreciationweek
DR. RACHELLE MEYER, BA ’92, EDD ’05, education
* @MollieLindstrom Dr. Rachelle Meyer is hands down the #bestprofessorever!!!! I learned more from her than anyone about my classroom!!!
ANN MILLER, English, deceased
* @sharilee66 Thank you, Mrs. Miller and Dr. Goode–two terrific English professors at Baylor. #teacherappreciationweek
RACHEL MOORE, MA ’69, English
* @GreenDoopey I’ll always have treasured memories of Rachel Moore and Dr. Paul Armitstead! #teacherappreciationweek
* @colaBUbear Mrs. Moore, my freshman English professor changed my life and how I write about it. #thankateacher #baylor
DR. WESLEY NULL, education/Honors College
* @peachteaforme best professor ever: @Wesley_Null #handsdown #noquestions
DR. DUB OLIVER, BSED ’87, now president at East Texas Baptist University
* @svenc Dub Oliver was the best teacher I had at #Baylor. Anyone taking a class from him would be lucky. #SicEm!
MAXEY PARRISH, BA ’78, MSED ’93, journalism and media arts
* @PaoStephen @BaylorProud My best teacher hands down… Maxey Parrish, super nice and I learned a whole lot! #teacherappreciationweek
CAROL PERRY, journalism and media arts
* @CassandraStar1 I wouldnt have made it w/o Carol Perry & Dr. Cassy Burleson! Waking up for 8am’s was nothin when I was headed to their classes!
DR. BILL PETTY, entrepreneurship
* @ajhlandreth I was so thankful for Dr. Petty in Business School when my Mom passed away. His support made it clear that #Baylor was for me.
DR. RUSTY PIPPIN, education, retired
* @iamkevinlucas Joe Cox, Ray Read, Chris Meyer, Rusty Pippin. Simply the best. #teacherappreciationweek
DR. RAY READ, BBA ’62, MBA ’64, management
* @iamkevinlucas Joe Cox, Ray Read, Chris Meyer, Rusty Pippin. Simply the best. #teacherappreciationweek
DR. MICHAELA RITTER, EDD ’03, communication sciences and disorders
* @chiefsteph Kudos to Dr. Ritter, inspiring future SLPs everyday!
DR. ERIC RUST, history
* @hralson Dr. Eric Rust is one of the most passionate professors I’ve had. His 8:00am class was the only one I was eagerly awake for.
DR. ALDEN SMITH, classics
* @denisethegoose Dr. Alden Smith. He has a heart of gold and seriously the most compassionate and passionate professor I’ve had.
DR. RISHI SRIRAM, BA ’01, MS ’03, education
* @GrovesJennifer Also Rishi Sriram, of the HESA program is stellar!! Baylor has a lot of excellent professors. #teacherappreciationweek
DR. SARA STONE, journalism and media arts
* @baylorgrad My favorite professors were Drs. Stone, Ferdon and Baker (journalism) and Dr. Vardaman (history)! #teacherappreciationweek
* @Jenna_DeWitt Dr. Stone, Prof. Darden and @JulieMFreeman are my fav. @BaylorJMA mentors. They taught me about life. #teacherappreciationweek
* @followingjenn Dr. Supplee was my favorite teacher outside of my major at Baylor. She had such passion!
* @starrynic23 I still use lessons taught at #Baylor years after graduating. Thank you Dr. Joan Supplee! #teacherappreciationweek
DR. PHIL VAN AUKEN, management
* @iamkevinlucas how could I forget Philip Van Auken? Incredible.
DR. JAMES VARDAMAN, BA ’51, history, retired
* @baylorgrad My favorite professors were Drs. Stone, Ferdon and Baker (journalism) and Dr. Vardaman (history)! #teacherappreciationweek
DR. LINDA WALKER-KENNEDY, English, retired
* @sicemtarabear Dr. Walker-Kennedy. Had her for multiple courses as an English major & still smile when I think of her class!
DR. JEROLD WALTMAN, political science
* @whitmacnabb dr. jerry waltman is awesome! such a nice man and a great professor!
DR. BETH WOMACK, BA ’02, English
* @lizzclementine Dr. Beth Womack is the best teacher I have had at Baylor! She is so passionate about what she teaches and is good at it!
* @B_Nicholle I had Dr. Womack my entire freshman year for English. She is super passionate and dedicated to students! :D
DR. GAYNOR YANCEY, social work
* @heathercmc I can’t believe no one has mentioned Dr. Gaynor Yancey in SSW! Her care and commitment to students shaped my college experience
And to sum it up?
* @clairekelley best #Baylor profs: all of them! So thankful for everything I have learned in earning both undergrad & graduate degrees!
Sic ’em, Baylor professors!