Geologists map Waco suburb to help find stable places to build
The natural features that make the Waco suburb of Woodway so scenic can also cause problems for home builders, as some of the city’s slopes are prone to landslides — a situation clearly unsafe for a home’s foundation. However, while these conditions affect only a fraction of the city, the danger has caused some homebuilders to shy away from building anywhere in the area.
To help builders know where it’s safe to build and where it’s not, a team of Baylor geologists headed by Dr. Joe Yelderman have mapped the geological makeup of the area, giving residents, builders and developers the information they need to make smart decisions on where to place not only homes but businesses, streets and utilities. Professors and students worked together to develop the map, dividing Woodway into five zones based on geological makeup. The team then put the map online (click here to view) for easy access, linking each zone to building ordinances about what can and can’t be built in each area. Woodway is one of only two cities in Texas to have such a map.
Sic ’em, Baylor geologists, for using your knowledge to help our neighbors!