• #BearsOfBaylor — “I’d love to say that high school has prepared me, but really…”

    “I’d love to say that high school has prepared me, but really… Sorry, Dad, my principal, but it hasn’t. Teachers need to have kids read more! We do lots of reading in college, and I don’t think we do enough reading in high school. …

    “The most surprising thing is that teachers have high expectations, and you know the work you have to do without them having to tell you to do it. They don’t have to remind you about due dates. Teachers in high school, they remind you every five minutes that ‘You have this paper due.’ Here, you’re just supposed to look at the syllabus and that’s basically all that they tell you.

    “Another thing that I’ve found surprising — in a good way — is being able to learn to prioritize my time. I have freedoms, but I have to be able to balance my freedom with the workload that I know I need to prepare for. It hasn’t hit me yet, but I’m sure it will.”


    [Every Baylor Bear has a story; #BearsOfBaylor brings those stories to you, one by one. These stories, these people… This is our Baylor.]