Join your fellow Bears for Diadeloso Texas at SeaWorld next month!
After graduating, most Bears will find that their work places don’t break for a day in the spring to celebrate Diadeloso. (If your office does, then by all means, let me know!)
But summer is a time for vacation, so they probably won’t mind if you take a long weekend next month to head to San Antonio for Diadeloso Texas at SeaWorld. The annual event, hosted by the Baylor Alumni Network, is scheduled for June 8; each year, it brings together hundreds of Baylor alumni and students for a day of family fun. (See photos from a past event here.)
For just $35 — a significant discount off regular price — Bears get not only admission to the park, but also a free lunch and admission to a Baylor program with door prizes. Family packages and special deals for active military and season pass holders are also available; click here for details.
To register, click here or call 866-281-9444; the deadline for registration is June 3.
Sic ’em, Baylor family — see you at SeaWorld!