Program connects alumni with student interns in nation’s capital
When I was in college, I spent my summers working temp jobs doing data entry. Many of today’s Baylor students are getting much more exciting experience in summer internships across the country, such as Baylor’s Washington Internship Program.
A total of 26 Baylor students are interning in Washington, D.C., this summer. Many are working on Capitol Hill in the offices of senators and representatives; others are in government offices ranging from Homeland Security to the State Department.
Earlier this summer, these students and Baylor graduates in the area gathered for the annual Poage-Mayborn Washington Seminar, a two-day event supported by Baylor and Central Texas native Sue Mayborn. A variety of panels featured Baylor alumni who work in D.C. speaking on topics such as “Working on Capitol Hill” and “Bridging the Public and Private Sectors.” Former Baylor regent Charles Overby, the chairman and CEO of the Freedom Forum and CEO of the Newseum, also spoke to the group after a tour of the Newseum.
What an amazing opportunity for those students who hope to serve in the nation’s capital following graduation!
Sic ’em, Baylor students and alumni in D.C.!