Sports chaplain leads student-athletes on mission trip to Kenya
When athletics chaplain Wes Yeary was hired last year, one of his charges was to help organize mission trips for Baylor’s student-athletes, as the former football letterman described in this Baylor Magazine feature. This month, Yeary is leading a 16-member team to Kenya for two weeks, where the group will work with existing ministries to street children, homeless women and recovering addicts as well as conducting sports clinics.
Jerry Hill’s Baylor Bear Insider, a newsletter for members of the Baylor Bear Foundation, recently carried an excellent story on how Yeary’s trip has come together that’s well worth reading. Hill noted that the group was still in additional need of funding for the trip; anyone interested in supporting the Baylor sports ministry team or any of Baylor’s University Missions teams can make donations online at
Sic ’em, student-athlete missionaries!