Study finds Baylor entrepreneurship journal most widely respected in the field
This one almost slipped by me… The November/December issue of Biz Ed, a magazine about business education, included an article called “Judging the Journals” that explained how schools measure just which academic journals qualify as “scholarly” — an important determination when looking at a faculty member’s publications.
For the article, the AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) surveyed more than 200 schools asking which target journals they consider when assessing scholarly contributions; in other words, which publications they want to see their professors publishing in. The survey results were broken down for each business discipline — management, economics, accounting, etc. — and the most frequently listed journal for entrepreneurship comes from Baylor University!
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice Journal, edited by Dr. Ray Bagby, topped the list of 79 different entrepreneurship publications submitted by the various universities that responded to the survey. It’s good to know that other schools think as highly of the journal as we do!
Sic ’em, Dr. Bagby and Baylor Business!