Law professor’s blog among ABA’s top 100 for 2008
One of my roommates at Baylor is now a law professor at another school in Texas, and while he certainly does his due diligence keeping up with legal scholarship in the form of journals and law reviews, he also spends a good deal of time each week reading an assortment of blogs about the legal profession and the issues it faces.
While there’s certainly a place for traditional journals — one cannot overstate the important of peer review at the highest levels of academia — there’s also a growing place in not only law but just about every study for blogs, which provide immediate information and promote real-time give-and-take on a wide variety of issues.
Thus we’re glad to see the intersection of the old and the new (journals and blogs) as the American Bar Association’s ABA Journal honors “The Blawg 100“, putting together its list of the top 100 legal blogs by lawyers, for lawyers. We’re even happier to see Law School Innovation, a site co-edited by Baylor Law professor Mark Osler, on the list in the “Legal Theory” category.
Sic ’em, Professor Osler and Law School Innovation!