Historical markers to honor Texas Collection and Carroll Library
Since Homecoming is in large part a time for reflecting on memories, it’s only fitting that the repository for much of Baylor’s recorded history — the Texas Collection, housed in Carroll Library — will be honored with a pair of historical markers in a ceremony on Friday.
The Texas Collection is more of an archive than a museum, but if you go in with a purpose, it’s amazing what you might find. For instance, the photos in this Waco Trib slideshow about the Texas Collection were all found in the collection archives. Among thousands and thousands of files, each building on campus has one (or more) folder that holds everything from photos to newspaper articles, from sketches to dedication programs. And you can find folders like that for most any Baylor-related subject you can think of. It’s an invaluable resource for researchers, particularly students of Baylor or Central Texas history.
And of course, it’s housed in one of the oldest buildings on campus in Carroll Library. Part of the original Burleson Quadrangle that still anchors the center of campus, Carroll Library opened in 1903 and over the years has housed Baylor’s library, museum, the law school, the Browning Collection, and even an athletics trophy room.
Sic ’em, Baylor history keepers!