Seven new things to look forward to on Baylor’s campus this fall
It’s August — which means the fall semester is rapidly approaching, and with it, new things to enjoy on the Baylor campus!
Here are just a few of the updates to look forward to this fall:
Pat Neff’s lights — Thanks to funding from the Class of 2022’s Senior Class Gift and Student Government, Pat Neff Hall will shine brighter than ever before! The bulbs that light the iconic dome have been upgraded with LED fixtures, a renewed hardware, and a system that is simpler and more ecologically friendly.
Chick-fil-A expansion in the SUB — You’ve heard the rumors. You’ve craved the reality. And now it’s all coming true. That’s right, the SUB will feature a full-service Chick-Fil-A! Get ready for allllll the sauce and allllll the nuggets … and salads, too, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Moody Starbucks renovation — Over the summer, the Starbucks in Moody Memorial Library has been receiving quite the facelift. The new structure (and fresh design!) will allow more space for coffee queues for mobile ordering.
Baylor Bookstore update — The Baylor Bookstore has remained open over the summer, even through a complete renovation. A completely new floor plan, new flooring, and more window usage will create a brighter, more naturally lit space for Bears stopping in for a textbook or new Baylor gear.
NPHC Garden revitalization — The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) has secured funding to renovate its garden in celebration of the garden’s 10th anniversary. Proposed renovations include adding two more monuments, which would complete all chapters of the Divine Nine, constructing new paths to increase foot traffic through the garden, replacing broken pavers, and the addition of LED lighting to showcase the garden at night.
Cooling structures at McLane — Students preparing to run the Line this fall will be better protected from the heat, thanks to new shades and cooling structures in the Baylor Line queue area.
Milo & Guess BBQ on campus for gamedays — As a special treat for home football Saturdays, local eateries Milo and Guess BBQ will be parked outside the Bill & Eva Williams Bear Habitat for “Bears & BBQ.” Guests stopping by to see Lady before the game can enjoy music, gameday-themed enrichment to watch, tailgating games, and more!
Sic ’em, Bears!