This father, son & daughter are all graduating from Baylor this weekend
May is always a special time for the Baylor Family, as we welcome thousands of new alumni and send them off to fling their green and gold afar. Most families toast one grad at a time, but for the Vielledents, they will celebrate three Baylor grads earning diplomas this week — bringing the family total to four graduates with a total of five BU degrees. Talk about a sleuth of Bears!
Oldest son Jorge Jr. (BA ’15, MBA ’22) was the first to attend Baylor, initially falling in love with campus over a Pat Neff postcard. His sisters, Ana Laura (BA ’18) and Alexa (BS ’22), soon followed.
“I chose Baylor based on the experiences my brother was having at school,” says Ana Laura, who now works as a dietitian. “Then, I got to experience it for myself. The campus, the people, the academics… I got more than I could’ve ever dreamed of.”
Alexa continues, “It’s so special that our family can share this Baylor bond. It’s truly an added layer to how close we are.” After Commencement, she plans to serve as an Americorps Vista and head on to medical school.
Following undergrad, Jorge Jr. decided to pursue his MBA while working with the Paul L. Foster Success Center. Here, he’s helped launch and support several campus programs, such as First In Line, The Store, and VETS. “I’ve been moved by how Bears always look out for one another,” he says. “The Baylor Family is so special in that way, and I’m so honored to be a part of it.”
Jorge Jr. didn’t have to go at his MBA alone, either. His father, Jorge Sr. (MBA ’22), joined him — and this Saturday, they will walk the stage together.
“Completing this degree with my dad was one of the most enriching educational experiences I have ever had,” says Jorge Jr. “For two years, I had a consistent and brilliant study partner. I loved hearing his input during class. And he probably liked having someone that could help him with all of the Excel homework assignments.”
Jorge Jr. now serves as a financial advisor for Baylor’s Center for Global Engagement. Jorge Sr. will continue on with his career at Equitable Advisors, where he has worked for over 30 years.
“The quality of a Baylor education is unmatched,” says Jorge Sr. “Aside from the well-rounded curriculum, we truly cherish the Christian community Baylor fosters. It’s a blessing to be part of the Baylor Family.”
Sic ’em, Vielledents!