It’s #BaylorHomecoming week!
In 1909, Baylor hosted the first collegiate homecoming celebration in the nation. This weekend, we again renew that tradition, as the Baylor Family returns to campus to “catch that Baylor spirit again,” as President Samuel Palmer Brooks famously wrote so long ago.
As usual, the festivities begin in earnest Thursday night with Mass Meeting and the first of four Pigskin Revue performances, followed Friday night by Reunion Class events, Singspiration, the Bonfire and Extravaganza. Saturday opens with the nation’s largest collegiate Homecoming Parade, followed by Baylor football hosting Oklahoma State at 11 a.m. at McLane Stadium.
[MORE: 99 things to see and do during #BaylorHomecoming]
In addition to the main events listed above, various schools and departments are hosting open houses and alumni gatherings; check the Homecoming calendar for complete event listings and details.
As you plan your weekend visit, make sure you’re aware of what parking is available when around campus. Take particular note of the shuttles, which may prove most convenient Saturday.
While you’re on campus this weekend, make sure you pick up a “Welcome Home” booklet (pictured at right) to catch up on all that’s been going on in the Baylor family, complete with a weekend schedule, kids’ pages, and more.
Sic ’em, Baylor Homecomers!
[As you Facebook, Tweet and Instagram about the weekend, make sure to tag your posts “#BaylorHomecoming.” We’ll be sharing our favorites on Twitter (@Baylor and @BaylorProud) and Instagram (@bayloruniversity) all week.]