#BearsOfBaylor — “Ever since I came here, people have been very welcoming…”
“Ever since I came here, people have been very welcoming, having open arms toward me and everything, and I really got a flavor of that at Line Camp. My Line Camp leader was very willing to talk about basically anything under the sun… One very large thing that she talked about with me was the aspect of religion here. Sometimes it might be a little intimidating if you’re from a different denomination that’s not exactly Christian, and I kind of fall under that umbrella.
“A lot of what I was looking for in Baylor was more from an education perspective than a faith-based one. It was reassuring to know that even though some things weren’t pertaining exactly to my denomination, I was still able to take a lot away from things like Chapel or a worship service. There are a lot of values and virtues that are brought out in people, particularly with guest speakers. Like with Church Under the Bridge, I felt that there was a lot more of a service aspect than just putting your hands up and singing. Right now there’s a lot of hope that can be found in not just religion, but the idea of community.”
[Every Baylor Bear has a story; #BearsOfBaylor brings those stories to you, one by one. These stories, these people… This is our Baylor.]