• #BearsOfBaylor — “Christmas is just such a time of joy everywhere you go.”

    “The best part about Christmas is probably all the ways people spread joy with each other, whether that’s spending time with your family and sharing joy, or going to church and remembering what Christmas is really about, or singing carols. Everything people seem to be doing during Christmastime is making others smile and happy.”

    “I just love how happy everyone is at Christmas. Christmas is just such a time of joy everywhere you go. Everyone is like, ‘Oh, it’s the Christmas spirit!’ And it’s just like so much of a happier atmosphere everywhere, and it makes such a difference with all of the Christmas music and dressing up and that kind of stuff.”

    “It’s an excuse to be silly and wear reindeer ears, so why not? There’s no reason not to. Anything that relieves stress from finals. It’s a good distraction.”


    [Every Baylor Bear has a story; #BearsOfBaylor brings those stories to you, one by one. These stories, these people… This is our Baylor.]