• #BearsOfBaylor — “That’s one step closer to the people they’re gonna be as adults.”

    “I’m the chaplain at Brooks Flats. This is my third year… I get to do pastoral care and get to know students. Some of them have gone through some pretty rough stuff. I mean, I’ve had some students that I’ve gotten to know as sophomore or juniors, and they’ve graduated, and you see this difference between when you first meet them and when they graduate, and you get a sense of what they’re doing with their lives and what they believe and why they believe it. And that’s kind of one step closer to being the people they’re gonna be as adults. It’s one of the things I wanted to do when I came to seminary.

    “I think the hardest part is being a chaplain and a [Truett Seminary] student at the same time. But I like it; it’s a great job.”


    [Every Baylor Bear has a story; #BearsOfBaylor brings those stories to you, one by one. These stories, these people… This is our Baylor.]