• #BearsOfBaylor — “It’s really fun to be part of the tradition.”

    “It’s kind of bittersweet because [being a senior], it’s my last Homecoming. But I’ll probably come back in the future as an alum. I’m part of Alpha Chi Omega, so I made — well, I helped out with the float, I didn’t make it — so I’ll go with my friends and see all that. It wasn’t too bad. We just went once a week, and we had to put an hour in, so we helped decorate it and put paper mâché on it and all that. It wasn’t too time consuming. It’s really fun though, to be part of the tradition.

    “I was just posting a picture on my Snapchat, ’cause I love Snapchat. … I post all the time about Baylor. And I’m from California, so my friends back home think it’s so cool to see pictures of Baylor. They’re on the beach, so that’s the only difference. I’m jealous of them, while they’re jealous of me, because they like the southern lifestyle. They seriously are so jealous.”


    [Every Baylor Bear has a story; #BearsOfBaylor brings those stories to you, one by one. These stories, these people… This is our Baylor.]