Tickets now on sale for Homecoming, Parent & Family Weekend events, individual football games
Welcome Week starts in eight days, classes start 10 days from now, and Baylor football’s 2012 season opener is little more than three weeks away. In other words, the excitement of fall is in the air. With the thrills of the 2011 season still fresh in our minds, the sporting world is watching to see if Baylor Nation can sustain the momentum.
Head Coach Art Briles has asked us to do our part and fill the stands for our Baylor Bears. Now’s your chance: Baylor football, Homecoming, and Parent & Family Weekend tickets went on sale this morning and are available now.
Thinking of heading back to Waco for Homecoming (Nov. 2-3)? Visit to get your tickets for the football game vs. Kansas, Pigskin Revue, and the Reunion Buffet Receptions, hosted by the Baylor Alumni Network for those who graduated in 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 or 2007.
Joining your student(s) for Parent & Family Weekend (Oct. 12-13)? Visit to register your attendance, order your tickets for football vs. TCU and After Dark, the annual student variety show. The full slate of weekend events also includes guided tours of campus, special lectures from Baylor professors, and a State of the University Address from President Ken Starr.
Last but not least, season and individual game tickets for Baylor football’s entire 2012 home schedule are available now. Root on the Bears as they host SMU, Sam Houston State, TCU, Kansas, Kansas State and Oklahoma State in Floyd Casey Stadium. Tickets to see Baylor vs. Texas Tech at Cowboys Stadium in November are also available.
Sic ’em, Baylor Nation!