Introducing BaylorProud 2.0!
Welcome to the newly redesigned Baylor Proud blog! We hope you enjoy the new look and feel; after nearly two years, we felt it was time for a refreshed design, so here it is! (Click “Read the rest” to learn about all the new features.)
We also took this opportunity to introduce a couple of new features. The first is located at the bottom of every post — small graphic links that allow you to easily share a Baylor Proud post that you enjoy with your friends via e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. You can also pull up a printer-friendly version of each post for cleaner printing.
The big addition, however, is linked in the top right corner, where members of the Baylor family are invited to share their own Points of Pride. Over the past year and a half, some of our best stories have been sent to us by readers, but until now, there wasn’t an easy or obvious way to do that. You asked for it, and now you’ve got it. Share your stories, and we’ll pick our favorites to run in the future here on the blog. We look forward to what you have to share!
(You also may note that our URL has changed slightly. You might want to make sure your bookmarks point to or; either will get you here. RSS readers will need to be updated with the new feed link, too.)
Thanks for your readership and your participation in the Baylor family!
Sic ’em, Bears!