Professor honored with Fulbright award
In the last 15 years, 18 Baylor students have received one of the prestigious Fulbright scholarships, which provide those students with the opportunity to study abroad in order to “increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.”
Now, Baylor’s faculty are getting in on the act. Dr. George W. Gawrych, an associate history professor, recently was awarded a Fulbright Senior Researcher Scholar grant to do research in Turkey next school year. Gawrych, the fifth Baylor professor to receive a Fulbright award, is researching for a book on the Turkish War of Independence, a subject he’s been studying for over 20 years. (Baylor’s press release covers all the details of his experience and history with the subject.)
The Fulbright Program is America’s flagship international educational exchange program and is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, so this is quite the honor for Gawrych and for Baylor.
Sic ’em, Dr. Gawrych!