Professors’ book lays out solution to health care crisis
These days, it seems everyone from President Obama on down is searching for some way to fix America’s health care problems. Two Baylor professors have laid out a plan that would provide universal health care without creating a government entitlement program or threaten the insurance coverage or health care of Americans who have coverage.
In Health Care for Us All: Getting More for Our Investment, Baylor business professors Dr. Earl Grinols and Dr. James Henderson, approach the problem from an economic viewpoint. They argue that universal access can be provided while more open competition reduces the cost of insurance by allowing customers to better shop around.
I’m glad to see Baylor professors having a voice in the national debate on issues of such importance to us all. Hopefully their plan can be put to the test and perhaps find some solution to such a pressing problem!
Sic ’em, Drs. Grinols and Henderson!