• Students in Baylor Hay Day straw poll voted for … whom?

    Straw pollBefore heading to the real polling places today, Baylor students in late October cast their votes for president on Hay Day — and the results are in! Who did they “elect”? Click “More” to find out.

    Republican Sen. John McCain won the straw poll with 53% of the vote. Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate, was 10 points back at 43, while Libertarian Bob Barr drew 4% of the vote.

    Baylor also held straw polls in February on Super Tuesday; in the faux primary, students picked Gov. Mike Huckabee from among the Republican candidates and Obama from among the Democrats.

    Will the national election’s results line up with Baylor’s? We’ll find out tonight.

    Sic ’em, voters!